Thursday, May 31, 2007

Life In The Fast Lane

"Do you think you own that lane, fella?!"

Have you ever found yourself saying that while driving? Maybe it was said about you by another driver. Either way, it doesn't matter, so long as you're habitually driving in the right, or right-most lanes. If that is you, then you will likely remove such a saying from your vocabulary, or will remove it from the vocabulary of your fellow drivers.

No matter who you are, or where you live, you will at one time or another ( or maybe daily ) encounter a driving situation where you have a choice of lanes. It may be a right and left lane, or multiple lanes where you can choose between 4 or more. The point is - we need to discuss the purpose of the left lane, since so many of the driving public don't seem to have a clue.

Many years ago, the flaming left wing liberal, Sam Donaldson, did "a piece" on drivers exceeding the speed limit. His highly suspect and very predictable test was devised by taking a panel van full of video equipment, and hitting the road, staying exactly at the speed limit, while driving exclusively in the left lane all over a large city. They taped the reaction of other drivers and as you can imagine, they got some good footage of people flipping them off, honking their horns, flashing their lights, and just using abusive language in general. Of course, old Sammy didn't mention that part of their control was to remain exclusively in the left lane. I just noted that myself, being an astute watcher and driver. Then the whole "experiment" made sense. It was rigged, and the outcome was very predictable.

Why was the outcome predictable? Because of the widely known, but rarely practiced, "unwritten" rule about the left lane. I say "unwritten" because while such notions as I will list later are not strict rules, they are mentioned in almost all driving handbooks. So, here are the "unofficial" but widely accepted rules concerning the use of the left lane:
  • It is to be used for passing (other slower moving vehicles keep to the right)
  • It is used for turning (left lane exits, left hand turns, etc.)
  • It is used for faster moving vehicles (OK, so maybe a little over the speed limit)
  • It should be used for all emergency vehicles

Sounds perfectly reasonable, right? But why is the left lane so often bogged down with traffic and confusion? Because those drivers who are not precision drivers think the following rules apply to the left lane:

  • It is for casual driving, far away from exit ramps and such
  • It is for those who will not be exiting the freeway or road for some time
  • It is for anyone, regardless of their speed or destination, just like any other lane
  • It is for the lapse minded, distracted, and preoccupied driver
  • It is a great place to drive slow, so as to frustrate those drivers who are "driving too fast"
  • "It's my lane!"

Of course, by reading my comments, you can see the difference, but some of you reading this blog (if there is more than 4, I'd be surprised) use the left lane, with the intentional, or subconscious reasons listed in the second list. To that end, I must add the following....

I have always reasoned that the majority of traffic problems could be virtually eliminated if everyone would just observe the following rules: Maintain a consistent speed, use your blinker when passing or turning, and do your best to maintain a right lane presence, except for passing or turning. May sound simple, but trust me - if 50% of the drivers on the road would adhere to those 3 simple rules, I firmly believe that 80% of all traffic problems would be eliminated. Staying out of the left lane unless you are passing or turning would be a major factor in that equation.

Let's face it - there are plenty of people out there who live to frustrate other drivers. They speed up and slow down to box people in, they cut you off when you try to pass them, they slow down if you get a little too close, and so on. And so many people will purposefully move to the left lane if they sense you may be trying to move faster than them. What is worse, is that those same people will slow down when moving to a left lane, but will speed up when moving back to the right! This is insane driving! YOU ALWAYS SPEED UP, THE FURTHER LEFT YOU GO! So don't try to be smart and make a point by finally getting out of the left lane and gunning the gas as you move right. All that does is prove what a moron you are, and how backwards you think.

As for moving faster in the left lane -- face it that there are some who will risk the tickets in order to move a little beyond the speed limit. Don't get frustrated at them - just let them go and hopefully, the cops will ticket them instead of you! Think of these left lane racers as ticket magnets. Don't make juvenile attempts at slowing them down....just move over (you shouldn't be in the left lane anyway) and let them speed on. It's the best way.

Now, if you drive like me, and some of you do, then the left lane is almost a necessity, since I am almost always pushing how fast I can get away with driving. However, if someone is moving faster than me, I will speed up and get over to the right to let them pass. See the previous paragraph for the reason why. Note that I speed up and move to the right. I don't slow down, or take all day to get over. If someone is driving faster than me, you can bet the cops will be keying in on them. And besides, what do I care if they're driving faster?

Folks, consider the left lane forbidden territory that you dare not invade, if but for just a few moments to make it possible for you to maintain consistency and safety. If, however, you find yourself on your cell phone (verboten!), languishing away in the left lane, with half a dozen angry drivers tailing behind you, do the right thing and move over ASAP. And stay over. Do this, and you'll avoid seeing yourself on one of Sam Donaldson's idiotic, flaming left wing "specials" on driving. Wait - you won't see Sam on any TV show, and we should all be thankful for that. Maybe he sealed his fate when he proclaimed, "I believe people don't kill people, but guns kill people." Sigh....those were good days.

Stay out of the left lane!

Car Care Tip of the Month: WAX

Is your car's paint dull, dirty, and generally unattractive? Maybe that better describes your husband or pet, but if it is your car, there is lots you can do, with little investment of time or money.

I want to end all the confusion about car wax. Basically, there are two prominent companies that I trust (in terms of their product): Mothers, and Meguiars. Both offer a bevy of car care products, and in the past, they often resorted to offering too many use-specific types, adding to confusion. So, to the point, the 3 you need to know about are:

  • Car Cleaner/ Wax
  • Polishes
  • Carnuba (pure wax)

Let's take each, in order. First, the car/cleaner types are just that - they clean first, and add a little wax to the mix. Think in terms of a rather aggressive soap for your body. Cleaning and removing dirt is the first priority, with a little lotion thrown in. Your car's paint is much like your skin, in that it can dry out and get cracked as it is exposed to the elements. The cleaner-waxes are designed to remove the oxidation from your paint (provided it hasn't been waxed properly or in some time) so that you can move on to other steps that will bring your paint back to it's full luster and protection.

Polishes (both Mothers and Meguiars now offer 3 step products labeled as I listed above) are designed to add luster and depth to the color of your paint. Polishes are not intended to remove oxidation, nor do they contain decent amounts of wax. They merely add emollients that when covered with a good Carnuba wax, will make your paint look shiney and wet all the time.

Finally, my favorite part - the wax. Yes folks, most "wax" products out there are actually Cleaner/Waxes, but if you get a true Carnuba wax (in liquid or paste form) you are finally ready to add a protective layer of wax to your car's paint that will last for months. Notice I did not say years. No wax will last years, much less 6 months. It must be applied often (I recommend a minimum of twice yearly, but 4 times a year is so much better) but the good new is this.......if you will follow the 3 step process (cleaner/wax, polish, then Carnuba) just once, all you have to do the rest of the life of your car is repeat the application of the Carnuba 2 to 4 times a year, and that's it! What's more, the more often you do it, the easier it is to apply and rub off.

Aside from the benefit of a better looking car, waxing properly and often also makes your vehicle so much easier to clean, and it will add to the resale value. Bugs will wash right off (no harsh chemicals or scrubbing necessary) and dirt will not stick nearly as well. I can tell by casually observing that there are not many of you out there that give a crap about your car's appearance, so keep this in mind........that vehicle in your driveway is likely the second most expensive investiment you will make in your life, behind your home. Doesn't it deserve a few hours work every 6 months or so? Besides, it's great exercise, and a good way for couples and families to share in an activity together. So get to the store, get some decent products, and shine that ride!