Friday, October 3, 2008


What do you have in your life that is not affected by oil?

Before you begin thinking, the answer is "nothing." The following, minute list reflects everyday things that come quite directly from oil:
various finishes, sealants, and paints
rubber name just a few.

We didn't even take the time to mention that all of our food, wood products, building materials, clothing, all modes of transportation, all metals, all synthetics....everything, makes it way to us, somehow, via oil. There is virtually NO ONE or NOTHING that is not affected in some meaningful way by oil.

Take away oil from our society, and you are left with............NOTHING. Well, actually, you are left with a society that resembles 1820 or so. Even then they had oil lamps and crude grease for wagon wheels. Does AlGore want to return to 1820? Does he want to give back his private jet? Does he want to sell off his Carbon Offset company that he owns? (yes, it has been proven that when AlGore pays his "carbon offsets', he is actually paying himself, just as any other mouth breathing idiot is doing if they pay those offsets)
Our entire society and social structure is built upon.......wait for it..........OIL.

What about this do the Democraps not get? Oh, they get it, but they feel the need to beat up on "big oil" in order to appease their brain dead constituents who don't know that almost all Democraps have huge share holdings in oil companies. And why not? They pay huge dividends! They also worship the creation rather than our creator, and somewhere back in time, a pot smoking liberal decided that oil is all dirty and yucky, and powers our 'awful' industrial society, so we need to eradicate that stinky black stuff and return to a greener, leaner civilization where everyone walks in sandals through fields of poppies (be sure to stop and eat a few) and finds food under rocks and money to buy their tattered clothing hanging on trees. Yeah buddy, sounds like a plan.
If you are a total moron.

Global warming is a notion of fancy. There is not a single thing proven about it. The doomsayers keep saying it's coming, but it hasn't, and won't. But what do they stand to gain? And while we're at it, who stands to gain by busting on oil? Good question!

This blog is not usually all that political, but in this case, it has to be. God gave us oil so that we could progress and have all the great things we have in order to travel, live longer, and move forward. Oil is no dirtier than dirt. We have lots of both, and both are necessary to sustain life. Those who claim that we must get away from oil chanted that same mantra in the 50's, again much louder in the 70's, and tried again during the Clinton administration. Horrible predictions were made in all those cases, and yet.....we still have plenty of oil, with no end in sight. "Experts" all try to predict how much oil is actually left, but that is like saying how much more sun we will have. Theories and predelictions abound, but no one really knows. All we do know is that the more we pump, and the more we look, the more we find. And it's all good.

Oil is cheap to find, cheap and easy to distill, is highly versatile, largely recyclable, readily available, and our present, past, and future energy champion that is reliable and versatile. And if all this is true, then why are there dolts out there who want to abandon oil? The dirty little secret is this -- they don't! (they just want to appear 'green.' shhhhhh!)

Solar power seems to make sense. The sun is hot, sun's rays are hot, sun melts things, so there ya go. But harnessing the sun's power has proven to be beyond what our present chemists, engineers, and energy providers can handle. Solar panels, when used to the extreme, can warm water, but try installing a roof top of solar panels on your house, along with all the necessary plumbing. Tons of weight, tons of costs, and tons of upkeep. Solar? Nah.
Wind power! Here we go! The Dutch are leading the way....uh, not so much. A field of wind machines in Wyoming reportedly cost 2 million dollars (back in 1990) and produced enough free electricity to power 10 homes for 10 minutes in one month. Maybe one day...but for now, wind talkers are just trying to blow smoke up your rear.
Electric cars! Wow! Uh, gotta get the electro from burning coal. Not free, not cheap, and electric cars are highly complicated, heavy, and highly inefficient. Oil spanks 'em with a big paddle.

And so on, and so on. This whole "hate oil" fiasco is like trying to find a cheap and easy replacement for sliced bread. Why not just eat the bread? Sure, its been around for awhile, but it is cheap, easy to get, easy to make, and can be really good for you. Oil is just like that. Cars today emit 1/5th of the harmful toxins that cars spewed just 20 years ago. Mileage regulations increase so quickly, that some automakers have to consider 50 mpg a target in a decade or more. Oil is as clean as it ever has been, and on top of that, we have more of it now than we have ever used in the past.

Get off the liberal bandwagon. Fill your car or truck up with good ol gasoline and burn it like there is no tomorrow. And do it with pride. Unashamed. Unhindered. There is plenty more where it came from, the prices ARE coming down (no liberal talks about that, do they?) and will continue to do so if that freak Obamer is banned from the white house. Drill baby drill is right. Drill and burn it and use it like it's growing under trees, because it is.